Bitcoin Trading Bots — Best Best Bitcoin Trading Bots 2021
What are Bitcoin Bots?
Bitcoin trading bots are automated software or programs, which are used to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. These platforms are used to make maximum profit and avoid loss. This software monitors the market continuously and then reacts to it as per defined rules. It makes Crypto business secure and profitable to some extent. Some of the software's in the market are free while most of them are paid.
Features of Bitcoin Trading Bots?
Most of them have common features. Before starting work you must know some of them.
Backtest the Market Data:
Before trading with these bots you must backtest the market data. You can get all this by using exchange APIs. It is necessary to backtest before execution.
Implement Your Strategy?
When and what to trade is very important for your bot. Specific logic and calculations are to be set for real-time results. So once you finalize your strategy implement it accordingly.
Time To Execute:
Now it is time to execute the things you have set up. You must do backtesting before execution. Some bots are powered by fake money strategy execution.
It’s Time to Schedule the Job:
After doing all the above tasks, it’s time to automate it. Job scheduler basically executes your strategies.
Top Bitcoin Trading Bots?
There are several software and programs for bitcoin trading. Some of the popular are below listed.
● Mudrex
● Quadency
● Zenbot
● 3 Commas
● Bitsgap
● Hodlbot
● Coinrule
● Zignaly
If you are using a trading bot that doesn’t mean you are free from everything. The timings are so important because the market never sleeps. These bots help your trade get going when you are asleep. So don’t rely on them for everything. There are many scammers in the market. You must be aware of them.